Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
Illness to Wellness

By Dr. Farzad Farahmand:
In the August 2012 issue of the Calabasas Times Magazine, I wrote an introductory article on Homeopathic Medicine, its origin and it’s mechanism of approach to restoring health and wellbeing. In this issue I’d like to introduce a special branch of Classical Homeopathy known as Homeopathic Psychiatry. This approach takes the mental characteristics that are unique to every individual, such as their fears, phobias, false beliefs and personality traits into consideration, in order to determine the appropriate medicine that would awaken the vital force or the body’s own natural healing power.
Homeopathic Psychiatry offers an alternative, safe, effective and non-toxic approach to mental health and the overall well being.
Psychological disorders are among the highest health challenges today. According to studies, on average one out of five suffers from some type of psychological disorder. The trend is rising. The common causes, apart from biological causes, are setbacks in life, grief, poor coping skills, faulty upbringing, high pace & high demands of modern life, complex social structure, rapidly changing human values, lack of role models, poor support system, influence of media and more. Our society is changing fast and the demands are challenging. These demands call for in-depth acceptance and constant adjustments. Everything happening at personal, social, professional or day to day life has profound psychological impact. Job stress and poor interpersonal skills at both social and family level are beginning to show its effect.
Modes of communication are rising but true communication is lacking. More and more people feel misunderstood, alone and unwanted. Emotions are unsatisfied and mind management skills are lacking.
Result is obvious. This affects people’s ability to think, feel, act and relate in effective manner. The world needs a healing system, which has safe and effective treatment for such complaints. The answer lies in Homeopathic Psychiatry. It is the most safe and effective treatment method of psychological, psycho somatic and psychosexual complaints.
The potency of Homeopathic medicine is determined by the number of times the medicine has been diluted. The higher the dilution, the lesser of the original substance in its physical form is left. At lower dilutions where more of the original substance is present in its physical form, the medicine tends to work at a physical level, addressing such physical symptoms as aches and pains, skin conditions, allergies, digestive problems and more. At higher dilutions where the original substance is mostly or in some cases completely gone, the medicine tends to act at a level beyond the physical and instead influence the body at a mental, emotional and behavioral level.
Despite our similarities, we are all unique. No 2 individuals are exactly alike regardless of being of the same race, being in the same family or sharing the same culture. Our behavior, beliefs and personalities makes us all very unique. Some are introverts while some are extroverts. Some are followers while some are leaders. Some are generally compassionate towards others while some indifferent. Some may be stubborn and set in their ideas while some may be more flexible.
Based on out life experiences we all develop certain beliefs that shape our perspective and how we interpret our environment. And many of the beliefs that we develop throughout our lives are false beliefs shaped by signals from the outside. These false beliefs can result in the development of false emotions within us, leading to fears. Fears can be real and sometimes even useful as a defense mechanism to help us survive real dangers. However, many of the fears that we experience stem from false beliefs and false emotions. As a good reminder of this concept, fear can be used as an acronym with every letter representing a word. Not all but most of our FEARs are nothing more than:
Evidence / Emotions
By considering the patients false beliefs or delusions about themselves or their environment, their behavioral tendencies and personality traits, Homeopathic Psychiatry in addition to helping the patients to better understand themselves, live up to their full potential and explore the reasoning behind maintaining their false beliefs, matches the patient with the one constitutional or personalized Homeopathic medicine prescribed specifically based on their behavioral tendencies, personality traits and their false emotions and beliefs that shape the way they see themselves and interpret their environment.
The Advantage of Homeopathic Psychiatry
It is effective in restoring mental health, well being and peace of mind.
It improves alertness, concentration and memory.
It is safe for all ages and conditions. It has no side effects.
It does not create dependence.
It is extremely effective in treating psychosomatic conditions, acting at both physical and mental level simultaneously.
It is suitable for both acute and chronic phases.
It values the significance of person’s thoughts, feelings, behavior as well as life incidents & circumstances.
It very well deals with emotional traumas and suppressed emotions.
It can deal with chemical imbalance in brain and harmonizing brain activity.
In case taking, the homeopath seeks to recognize the patient's false beliefs about themselves and their environment and in addition tries to understand the patient's need to maintain that misinterpretation of reality. Often times maintaining the delusion is to avoid reality. This avoidance is advantageous because it covers up and helps distract the patient from potentially overwhelming emotions such as fear, hurt, rage and more.
There are 5 major categories of Psychological delusion or false beliefs commonly experienced by people, under which special medicine fall under:
1. Denial
"I am not sick"
"I will be cured"
"I will cure myself"
"I should not have gotten sick"
"This should not have happened to me"
2. Forsaken (abandonment & Persecution or putting the blame on others)
"My body has let me down"
“My illness has been caused by others"
“I have been cheated out of my life"
"I have been singled out for punishment"
3. Causation (Blaming oneself)
"I have caused my disease"
"This is my fault"
"I must have done something wrong to deserve this"
"I have sinned"
4. Depression
“I will never become well”
“I will never succeed”
“I will always fail”
“This is my faith”
5. Registration (Self suggestion)
“I am dying”
“I am sure I have a terrible disease”
“I am too weak to survive this world”
Through a complete consultation and case analysis, the homeopath attempts to get to know the personality and the mentality of the patient, and recognize which category the patient belongs to the most. By using special case taking techniques and asking the right questions, the homeopath is able to continuously narrow down the possibilities in order to prescribe the most effective medicine.
First, the patient’s inner conflict, trauma and self destructive behavior are identified. The homeopath will then explore the disproportionate reality in their patient’s story. The third key point in the case is often confirming the patient’s need to maintain their delusion, which is often to avoid reality. Self delusion will often reside in the patient’s subconscious mind and the patient is often not aware of the psychological delusion. Regardless of weather the psychological delusion has positive or negative consequences, the patient must be seen as maintaining the delusion because they subconsciously believe that it is to their advantage to cover up and help distract themselves from potentially overwhelming emotions such as fear, hurt, rage and jealousy.
For example, to continue the delusion of being a great singer, the patient may say, “I am a great singer”. I have the most spectacularly beautiful baritone voice of all time, but it has not yet been recognized by the world. The reason I am not able to sing so well at the moment is that I am suffering from an allergy to the tree outside my apartment. This psychological delusion of grandeur is maintained to cover up their low self confidence and feelings of inadequacy.
Patients who refuse to acknowledge the seriousness of their disease by continuously thinking about the “lessons” they will learn from their experience of being sick have the obsessive need to always feel positive and have a positive take on every situation. This delusion is maintained to avoid grief, as well helping the patient feel like they are in total control of the situation. Keeping a positive attitude can be very advantageous to battling their disease. However, if they believe that they will be cured on their own or perhaps through divine intervention, this may prevent them from acknowledging the reality of their illness and seek medical intervention. The consequence of maintaining this delusion is that the patient uses more energy trying to avoid acknowledging their disease, than they would than acknowledging the reality about their disease or in case of a terminal disease, their mortality.
For example, one of the most commonly prescribed Homeopathic medicine is called Natrum muriaticum. Nat Mur. is the homeopathically prepared form of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) or the common table salt. Nat Mur. patients need to protect their inner emotional sensitivity and vulnerability to being hurt. It is well recognized as the homeopathic remedy of choice for grief and loss. When a patient is faced with loss of health, the first stage they move into is denial. Natrum muriaticum patients, have visions of themselves being well in the future to reassure themselves that they are in complete control. Natrum muriaticum is categorized under the category of Denial.
Homeopathic Psychiatry is widely practiced in Europe and Australia. It has been gaining popularity and recognition throughout the world, including the United States. It is one among the many different approaches to Health and well being.
In my opinion, Homeopathic Psychiatry should not necessarily be considered as an alternative to the conventional approach to mental health. Even though it can be an extremely powerful and non toxic alternative, in some cases it may also be used in conjunction with or complementary to conventional medicine, without any interaction.
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For Free phone Consultation please call 818 501 2000
Dr. Farzad Farahmand, D.C.
22020 Clarendon Street, Suite # 101
Woodland Hills, Ca. 91367

Homeopathic Psychiatry